
When To Use Microservices & Monolithic Architecture

What Are Microservices?


Microservice design, or just microservices, is a technique for creating programming frameworks that attempts to concentrate on building single-work modules with well-characterized interfaces and tasks. The pattern has become mainstream as of late as Enterprises hope to turn out to be progressively Agile and move towards a DevOps and ceaseless testing. Microservices architecture structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services, each of which implement business capabilities.


Microservices architecture is a building style that structures an application as a collection of services that are:


• Highly viable and testable


• Loosely coupled


• Independently deployable


• Organized around business abilities


The microservice design empowers the quick and solid conveyance of enormous, complex applications. It also enables an organization to evolve its Technology Stack.

Difference Between Monolithic And Microservices Architectures


There are strengths and weaknesses associated with both Monolithic and Microservices architectures.


Monolithic Architecture



The monolithic architecture is viewed as a conventional method for building applications. A monolithic application is developed as a single and unbreakable unit.


Such Applications have a client-side user interface, a server side and a database.


Such a solution comprises a client-side user interface, a server side-application, and a database. It is integrated and all the functions are controlled and functioned in one place. Monolithic Applications have usually one large code base and they do not have modularity. If there is a change or update to be done, developers will have to access the code base and must make all required changes at once.


Let’s take an example of a human resource management system:



Merits Of Monolithic Architecture


• Easy to develop and implement.


• Easy to debug and test.


• More secure than other architectures.


• Easier to handle logging, Caching and performance monitoring


Demerits Of Monolithic Architecture


• Codes get complex and its hard to manage it when it is time to upscale a monolithic application.


• If changes are desired its complicated to make changes in such a large and complex architecture. Any code change effects the entire application, this makes even the development cycle longer and complex.


• If one component is to be upgraded or tweaked, it cannot be done as all components are tightly coupled and integrated as in one. You cannot scale or alter the components of a monolithic application independently.


• It is very difficult task to apply a new technology to a monolithic application as it requires rewriting the entire application.


Microservices Architecture



Contrary to a monolithic application which is primarily a single unified unit, a Microservices Architecture breaks it down into a compilation of smaller individual units. These units perform every application process as a separate service. These Microservices have their own logic and the database and perform their own specific functions. The entire application is split into independent modules which talk to each other through APIs.


Microservice architecture for a human resource management system:



Merits of Microservices Architecture


• Offer more flexibility. As all the Microservices are independent of each other, it is easier to fix bug in a specific Microservice and it would not affect the entire application.


• It is lot easier to upgrade and add components or features to a Microservice Application.


• Manageability is easier.


• Upgradation and scaling are easier.


• Developing teams are free to choose and apply different technologies for each microservice.


Demerits of Microservices Architecture


• A microservice architecture is a distributed system, it makes it complex system of multiple modules and databases.


• All the connections need extra checking.


• There several cross-cutting concerns.


• Testing is much harder and complex.


When To Choose Monolithic & Microservice Architecture



Successful Examples Of Microservice Architecture Implementations


Netflix, eBay, Amazon, Twitter, PayPal, The Guardian, and many other large-scale websites and applications have all evolved from monolithic to microservices architecture.



It purely depends on your business need whether to adopt Microservice or Monolithic architecture for your application. We have thoroughly touched base the merits and demerits of both architectures.


If you have any need in place and need a free evaluation, please feel free to Contact us.

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