The market today is full of server-side technologies that will offer a simple way to get started. Now developers don't have to set up a server of their own, but the service provider can provide them with a simple setup by default. Previously, setting up a server was a tedious and boring task, and it became more complex to maintain, but now different types of server-side languages make it easier.
What is Firebase?
Google Firebase is a backend platform for developing high-performance, scalable web, and mobile applications at low cost, time, and effort.
In 2011, Envolve built the Firebase. The founders were James Templon & Andrew Lee. Firebase became a separate corporation in 2012. Initially, Firebase was created for real-time chat apps but later some game developers used it to store game states for multiplayer games in real-time. So finally, James and Andrew agreed to split Firebase into two parts - a chat module and a system module for the game. Google bought Firebase in 2014 and began to manage and improvise the Firebase. Well, we know it today as the Google Firebase.
Firebase Features
Firebase splits its features mainly into five parts
● Analytics
● Development
● Stability & Enhancement
● Earning
● Growth
Firebase Analytics is a way to measure user experience with the app or web and produce a user activity statistical report so that the developer can make a concrete decision for application quality and performance improvement. This service is free of cost.
Firebase Cloud Messaging
If you are a developer then you might be familiar with and have used the term Firebase Cloud Messaging(FCM). Google offered notification services previously using Google Cloud Messaging(GCM),. Using FCM, developers can submit Mobile, Android, and iOS notifications. You may also send or transmit a single message to anyone, or to the community. FCM also includes a server evaluation tool, and the whole integration process is well defined and simple to use.
Firebase Auth
Firebase Auth service will include mobile device and web authentication functionality. Gmail, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, etc. will be available for authentication. It also offers protection of emails and passwords if one wants to. There's also an OTP authentication method in which SMS authentication will be performed. In the online subscription Firebase also offers free SMSs.
Firebase Realtime Database
Google's first firebase tool is Firebase real-time database. Realtime database Firebase stores data in JSON format. The database offers multiple bidirectional communication between the clients and the database simultaneously. It's the same kind of web socket definition that ensures all changes in the data are mirrored to all linked clients in real-time in no time.
Firebase Cloud Firestore
Firebase Cloud Firestore launched an updated version of the Google Realtime database in January 2019. The data storage structure has been updated in the Firestore database. Now the data is stored as a field and value pair, and those fields and value pairs are stored in the database and a list of records is stored in the folder. Records also have sub-collections, and other records do have sub-collections. The query function to search the data is implemented at Firestore. In nature, the query is some type of SQL.
Firebase Storage
Firebase storage provides a server file-storage service. Files may be an image, audio, video, pdf, doc, and so on. It also allows network security during the upload and download of files. The task of uploading and downloading files is simple programmatically, we can say that in one line.
Firebase Hosting
Firebase hosting offers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other files with a free hosting service. This service is implemented in firebase because the developer wants online testing of their products. Firebase hosting also covers both HTTPS and SSL.
Machine Learning Kit
ML Kit for Firebase is a developer’s mobile machine learning software for the implementation of text recognition, face detection, barcode scanning, image marking, landmark recognition, etc. It also provides a means of implementing custom features if they are not available.
Stability & Enhancement
Crashlytics will provide a tool for monitoring and recording crashes in apps and producing a full detailed report with flow and crash events. Developers can fix their problems by using the reports and improve functionality and usability. Previously, this service was provided through the reporting of firebase crash by firebase itself.
Firebase offers a way to check software output with the software according to human actions and produce a comprehensive analysis of it so that we can improvise our code and performance improvements.
Firebase Test Labs
Firebase research laboratories have a tool to check the software in the cloud for Android and iOS. Developers do not need to have any test scripts. Firebase automatically checks the entire app, and automatically produces a test report for us. It also includes screenshots, images, and test logs.
AdMob now acts as part of the Firebase. They produce all the reports and statistics here. AdMob 's integration is getting simple and well known.
Firebase Dynamic Links
This functionality has already been learned in your daily life. The web links that a part of it is the directly open device with a particular screen. Firebase dynamic links to open different pages will also include the depth links for the device. This will boost traffic inside the app.
This article presents all the essential information to help you understand Google Firebase. Soft Tech Group is a tech agency that is fully equipped to design and deliver tech solutions for your needs. Contact us if you have a requirement for web and app development or visit our website and learn more about our services.